Week 16: 2/3
Week 17: 2/10
Week 18: 2/24
We urgently need catechists and aides for Religious Education.
Parents and Grandparents Become a Volunteer!
Be an example of serving others and share your faith with your children/grandchildren and their friends by
becoming a Catechist! We are in need of a 1st grade and 5th grade Catechist. Only one hour a week, 25
weeks a year. We provide the teacher’s textbook and supplies as needed. If you are interested and can make
this commitment, please call the Parish Office and we will take your information and forward it to our
Coordinator of Religious Education – Betty Napoli.
If interested or for more information, contact Betty Napoli at Email: bettynapoli@gmail.com or leave a voicemail at 609-927-0121