Like any house to which one is invited, there is always some
sort of basic etiquette and God’s house is no different.
Below are some basics to allow others to worship as well.
- Please turn off all electronics (cell phones, tablets, etc.).
- No food, drinks, or chewing gum, please.
- Please assist the Ushers by moving to the center of the pew to allow others to find a seat more easily.
- Arrive early and please do not leave before the Priest.
- Arrive and leave quietly, out of respect for those who are praying.
- Out of reverence, please genuflect to the tabernacle before entering or leaving the pew.
- If you pass before the altar, please bow reverently, and bow before receiving the Eucharist.
- Participate fully during Mass by joining in song and responses.
- Modest dress is appreciated.
- Please refrain from walking up and down the aisles during the Consecration and related prayers (from the end of the Holy, Holy to the great Amen).
- Please be respectful of others during the sign of peace or before holding hands.
- After Mass, please place worship books in the pew shelf.
- Please remove any trash or items that you may brought to Church. There is a trash can in the lobby.
Don’t try to conduct business with the Priest right before or after Mass. Right before Mass, the Priest is usually trying to prepare spiritually for the sacrifice of the Mass amid concerns about whether candles are lit, servers have shown up, and the heating or air conditioning is working. And right
after Mass, he is occupied with greeting departing worshipers and fielding questions and alerts from Ushers
and other Liturgical Ministers. Rest assured that anything you ask him to do or be aware of when he gets back to the office on Monday will be long forgotten, having only added to his stress level during his Sabbath ministry. Rather than asking the Priest a specific question, call the Parish Office to discuss your concern. Don’t take it personally if the Priest doesn’t take the call himself. Very often it is another person on staff who handles what you are calling about.
All children are welcome in the main sanctuary.
We consider you part of Our Lady of Sorrow’s family.
Please celebrate with us!