Date and Time: Friday evenings, 7:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Doors open at 6p.m
Contact Person: Parish Office, 927-1154

WE MADE OUR GOAL $10,400 !!!

Thank you to the first 12 people along with our
Bingo players who generously gave $5,375
towards our new Bingo Machine. We also wish to thank
Gregory & Elizabeth Brown
for generously donating the balance of $5,025 in
Memory of their daughter Christine Lombardi, and their Mother, Carol Procopio,
who often came to play bingo.
The new machine is arriving this week and we hope to
have it connected with our flashboard for Friday evening.


Our new BINGO sign with our benefactor, Don Federico. Thank you Don for your generosity!

Free Admission / Free Book on your Birthday!!!

Bingo brings in $800 to $1100 a week $52,800 a year!
Pull tabs (an instant winner card) brings in $19,680 a year!
Total $72,480 raised per year.

These funds cover our Catholic School Subsidy and Parish Expenses.

Bingo can not run without VOLUNTEERS!

Can you commit to 3 hours, 1 Friday evening a month to help your Church?
It only takes 4 people in the kitchen to help with preparing sandwiches, selling candy,
sodas, pretzels etc. to the bingo players before the games begin and selling pizza
on their break during the night.
The kitchen brings in approximately $150-$200 a night.

We need 4 people to work on the bingo game floor, picking up the papers after each
game, verifying the cards when bingo has been called and assisting the players when
needed. ONCE A MONTH.

Please call the Parish office at 609-927-1154 and leave your name and phone number so our Bingo Coordinator can put you on her schedule and explain what she will need you to do..